For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
The Mandarin Service (MS) is held every Sunday at 11.30am, and Holy Communion is served on the 1st Sunday of the month. In line with the current covid-19 precautionary measures, all services will be held online. Please contact us to receive log-in details for the online services.
We also have regular prayer meetings every Wednesday evening at 8.00pm. We invite you to join us in praying for individuals, the church, nation and world. Together, let us experience God’s presence even as we seek out His will.
Have a prayer request? You may fill in the form in the following link to let us pray for you:
There are multiple Small Groups within MS that caters for different age groups and profiles. Feel free to contact us to identify a group where you can enjoy fellowship and grow in God’s Words.
On 12 and 13 June 2021, we will be organizing the Wider Weekend. The Wider Weekend is a variance of our usual church camp. The online sessions will be packed with all the elements we look forward to: fellowship, fun and this time, a focus on going beyond the church. Details of the Wider Weekend are as follows:
Speaker: Pastor Gordon Aw
Dates: 12 and 13 June 2021 (Saturday ~ Sunday)
Time: 10:00 am ~ 12:30 pm (Online)
If you have any queries about the Mandarin Service, please direct them to Ps. Jacob ( or our church office at +65 6282 4443.
约翰福音 3:16
讲员:欧思源牧师Ps Gordon Aw
日期:2021年6月12-13日 [周六~主日]
时间:早上10:00~中午12:30 [线上节目]
欲知更多详情,请电邮华语崇拜主理传道张绍群传道 (或致电教会办公室 +65 6282 4443。