Crèche (below age 4)
Our little children are never too young to experience God’s love. Our crèche helpers and teachers provide care for your infants, and help your pre-schoolers discover the Christian faith through action songs, arts and crafts, Bible stories and fun activities.
Our Creche ministry meets at Level 1 (The Living Room) at 9.45am on Sundays.
(below age 4)
Our little children are never too young to experience God’s love. Our crèche helpers and teachers provide care for your infants and help your pre-schoolers discover the Christian faith through action songs, Bible stories and fun activities.
Our Creche ministry meets at Level 1 (Kindergarten Room) at 9.45am on Sundays.
(*Our Creche ministry is currently suspended. However, we are looking to reopen it very soon.)
Kindergarten (ages 4 – 6)
Let our children discover new Bible stories each week and make new friends their age! Through art and craft, games, songs and movies, learning the bible and Christian truths becomes fun and exciting!
Our Kindergarten program meets at Level 1 (Abraham Room) at 9.45am on Sundays.
Primary School (ages 6-12)
Our adolescent children need to be armed with the truth of the gospel and God’s promises to them. Learn how the Christian faith can be relevant in helping them handle tricky pre-teen issues like school stress, relationships and finding their identities.
Our primary aged children gather to worship together first, before heading off to their respective classes – Primary 1 & 2, Primary 3 & 4, Primary 5 & 6.
Our Primary School-aged program meets at Level 3 (Hallelujah Room) at 9.45am on Sundays.
If you’d like to get connected or learn more about TMC’s Children’s Ministry, you can contact our Children’s Pastoral Staff Alice at
Primary School (ages 6-12)
Our adolescent children need to be armed with the truth of the gospel and God’s promises to them. Learn how the Christian faith can be relevant in helping them handle tricky pre-teen issues like school stress, relationships and finding their identities.
Our primary aged children gather to worship together first, before heading off to their respective classes – Primary 1 & 2, Primary 3 & 4, Primary 5 & 6.
Our Primary School-aged program meets at Level 3 (Hallelujah Room) at 9.45am on Sundays. If you’d like to get connected or learn more about TMC’s Children’s Ministry, you can contact our Children’s Pastoral Staff Alice at
Each youth is also strongly encouraged to join and commit to a connect group, which gathers bi-weekly after TSS. Led by our youth leaders, connect groups allow for much deeper sharing, accountability, fellowship and loads of fun.
Stay connected with FEARLESS on our Instagram (@Fearlesssg). Stay up-to-date on Fearless events and activities by following its Telegram channel at
Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministry (also known as Fearless) comprises the youth & tertiary-level community in our church. Through discipleship, studying of the word and building up a strong community, the desire of our Youth Ministry is to raise and nurture young people to become a generation that walks in the fear of the Lord and stands fearless before men.
Each week, the youths gather together at The Saturday Service (TSS) on Saturdays, 4.30pm for a powerful time of encounter with the Lord through worship, serving & sharing of the word.
This intergenerational service is especially unique as it not only allows generations to worship alongside one another, but is also a platform that champions and empowers the younger generation. The worship team, AV team and hosts are all filled with many young people who are passionate to serve the Lord.
Each youth is also encouraged to join a connect group, which gathers bi-weekly after TSS. Led by a youth leader, connect groups allow for much deeper sharing, accountability, fellowship and loads of fun.
Stay connected with FEARLESS on Instagram (@Fearlesssg). Stay up-to-date on Fearless events and activities by following its Telegram channel at
To get connected with our youth ministry, or for more info, you can contact our Youth Pastoral Staff Nicole at

Young Adults Ministry
The Young Adults’ Ministry (also known as A Good Work) rallies young adults (aged 20-35) to grow together in discipleship with Christian peers in a similar phase of life. Our young adults are encouraged to be in discipleship groups and small groups, as well as participate in community activities organised by the ministry.
As we journey together through faith and life, our vision is to be a community of young adults directed towards God, empowered by God, and sent out into the world.

Small Groups
Here at TMC, we believe discipleship happens best in the context of spiritual communities and relationships. Our small groups are our primary vehicle for discipleship in our Church, and our hope is for every one who calls TMC their home to be planted in one. Come be plugged into a community of believers who will journey together in spiritual growth and kingdom friendships.
Experience your life being transformed through regular prayer, bible studies and genuine friendships. There are currently more than 30small groups in TMC that cater to different age groups and life stages of our members. Whether you are a youth, young adult, parent or retired, there is a small group for you.

Glowing Years Ministry
Our Glowing Years Ministry (GYM) brings together our seniors in their golden years to engage in fun activities, enjoy each other’s company and find God’s greater purposes in these glowing years.
You can expect fun community events, meaningful fellowship opportunities as well as bible studies and practical seminars for all.
You can get connected to our Glowing Years Ministry through our Church Office, and be kept in the loop with upcoming events

Mandarin Ministry
The Mandarin Service (MS) is held every Sunday at 11.30am, and Holy Communion is served on the 1st Sunday of the month. We also have regular prayer meetings every Wednesday evening at 8.00pm.
We invite you to join us in praying for individuals, the church, nation and world. Together, let us experience God’s presence even as we seek out His will. There are multiple Life Groups within MS that caters for different age groups and profiles. Feel free to contact us to identify a group where you can enjoy fellowship and grow in God’s Words.
If you have any queries about the Mandarin Service, please direct them to Ps. Jacob Cheng ( or our church office at +65 6282 4443. Have a prayer request? You may fill in the form in the following link to let us pray for you:
欢迎大家和我们一起参与华语崇拜星期日早上11.30的聚会。每个月的第一个星期日是圣餐主日。 为了配合不同的年龄层与需求,华语崇拜中也有多个生命小组。欢迎您加入与我们一起来体会和经历上帝的爱和祂丰盛的生命。在生命组里,我们一起学习 神的话语、分享见证、彼此代祷、鼓励与扶持、互为肢体连与基督,建立更深的团契生活。 欲知更多详情,请电邮华语崇拜主理传道张绍群传道 (或致电教会办公室 +65 6282 4443。